Jeg stod med en pose spinat i hånden, og lurte på hva jeg skulle gjøre med den. ‘God i orientalske gryter med kardemommekrydrede bønner ‘ stod det på posen. Jeg tilhører dem som alltid leser etiketter og slikt. Utrolig hva jeg har lært av det.
Minst en gang i uken lager jeg rene vegetarretter, og denne er til og med så grønn at den havner i vegankategorien. Ikke et snev av dyreriket altså, men med nok proteiner og karbohydrater til at treningsnarkomane som meg får nok fly-bensin.
Litt nettsurfing senere, og en titt i kjøleskapet, så ble det en gryte som jeg fant verdig å blogge om, for dette ble godt! Og så sunt da gitt. En haug spinat, løk, hvitløk, tomat, rotgrønnsaker og krydderfrø som er så fulle av helsefremmende egenskaper at når jeg senere i kveld skal løpe et renn, så kommer jeg til å fly! (Og håper alle bønnene ikke får meg til å…ja dere vet…) det burde være potet i også, skjønte jeg etter å ha lest diverse indiske oppskrifter, men det hadde jeg ikke i huset. Jeg tok gulrøtter istedet, og det fungerte fint.
1 løk
6 fedd hvitløk
1 ss rapsolje
1 paprika, grovhakket
3 tomater i terninger
1 ss marinert tomat finhakket
1 chili (etter tåleevne, eller 1 ts sterk chilisaus)
4 poteter (eller søtpotet, gulrot ) i terninger
1 pakke brune bønner (ferdigkokt)
1 pose spinat
3 ts spisskumminfrø
3 ts fenikkelfrø
3 ts bukkhornsfrø
1 kardemommefrø
3 ts sennepsfrø
3 ts malt gurkemeie
salt / pepper
en håndfull fersk koriander (dryss på tilslutt)
En dyp sautepanne er best egnet til denne retten. Finhakk løk og hvitløk og surr det mykt i oljen. Tilsett hele krydder og la surre litt til, før du har i alle grønnsakene minus bønner. Spinaten tar stor plass, men den synker fort sammen. Bruk evt. lokk en stund. Stek til grønnsakene er nesten myke, på middels varme, og legg i bønner de siste fem minuttene.
Server og nyt!
Cumin is rich in potassium, phosphorus,magnesium, calcium and sodium. It has good amount of iron and small amount of zinc, copper,manganese and selenium. Vitamin Content of Cumin: Cumin is rich in Vitamin A and choline. It has good amount of Vitamin C, E, niacin and has small amount of Vitamin K, B6, thiamin, riboflavin and flolate.
Health Benefits of Cumin: Cumin is good to cure digestive disorders and to detoxify the human body. It reduces the risk of stomach and liver tumors; it helps cure flatulence, indigestion, diarrhea, nausea, morning sickness, common cold and atonic dyspepsia. Cumin when boiled with water makes good tonic for heath.
Fenugreek is rich in potassium,phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. It has good amount of iron and sodium with small amount ofzinc, copper, manganese and selenium. Vitamin Content of Fenugreek: Fenugreek has good amount of Vitamin C with small amount of Vitamin A, B6, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folate.
Health Benefits of Fenugreek: Fenugreek cures constipation, diabetes, digestive tract irritation, indigestion, leg ulcers, muscle pain, tuberculosis, wounds, poor appetite, gout, inflamed lymph glands and also lowers the blood pressure.
Turmeric is extremely rich in Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Calcium. It has good amount of Iron and small amount of Sodium, Zinc, Manganese and Selenium. Vitamin Content of Turmeric: Turmeric has small amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Choline and Betaine. It also has Vitamin K, Niacin and Folate.
Health Benefits of Turmeric: Turmeric is natural antiseptic and anti-bacterial agent useful for disinfecting cuts and burns, prevents prostate cancer and stops the growth of prostate cancer, reduces the risk of childhood leukemia and is a natural detoxifier.
The health benefits of fennel include relief from anemia, indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, diarrhea, respiratory disorders, menstrual disorders, eye care, etc It is a common practice, particularly in Indian Subcontinent, to chew fennel seeds after meals. This is done to facilitate digestion and to keep bad breathaway. Some of the components of the essential oils in fennel are stimulants and stimulate secretion of digestive and gastric juices, reduce inflammation of stomach and intestines and facilitates proper absorption of nutrients from the food. It also has anti acidic (basic) properties and is extensively used in antacid preparations. It is an appetizer too.
Cardamom is rich in calcium,potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. Good amount of iron, sodium and manganese is present in it. Small amount of zinc and copper is found in it. Vitamin Content of Cardamom: Cardamom has good amount of Vitamin C. It has small amount of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and Vitamin B6.
Health Benefits of Cardamom; Cardamom is used to treat teeth and gum infections, digestive disorders, dysentery, constipation, congestion of lungs and throat problems. It is also used as an antidote for snake and scorpion venom bite.